Kmart and Target commit to sourcing more sustainable cotton
Toscan family cotton farm "Cavaso Farming", New South Wales, is accredited under the Better Cotton program.
In mid 2017, Kmart and Target finalised a sustainable materials strategy and roadmap as part of their sustainable development program and commitment to use natural resources responsibly.
Cotton is an important material for both Kmart and Target, and supports the livelihoods of over 250 million people around the world. Although the cotton industry has achieved significant improvements in resource efficiency and sustainable farming practices in the past decade, there remain social and environmental challenges in some countries, such as high pesticide and water usage.
In mid-2017, Kmart announced its intention to source 100 per cent sustainable cotton fabric for its clothing1, towel and bedding ranges by 1 July 20202. Target followed this announcement by launching a project in late 2017 to source more sustainable cotton.
As part of these commitments, Kmart and Target have joined the Better Cotton Initiative. This is a sustainable cotton standard and program that exists to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in and better for the sector’s future, by developing Better Cotton as sustainable mainstream commodity.
The Better Cotton standard is Kmart and Target’s primary mechanism for achieving their more sustainable cotton commitments, along with recycled cotton and organic cotton.
Since the launch of the commitment, Kmart and Target have conducted Better Cotton Initiative training with over 500 team members and suppliers, and Better Cotton orders have been placed with suppliers in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and China.
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