Musica Viva Australia

Ken Hamao Enso String Quartet masterclass

Musica Viva is the largest presenter of chamber music in the world, a truly national company with offices in every Australian state and territory, reaching approximately 360,000 people directly every year.

Musica viva was established in 1945 as a chamber music organisation focused on just one ensemble. Over the years the company has evolved to embrace ensemble music of all styles and genres, presenting leading Australian and international artists to concert audiences and school students across the country. Today, Musica Viva activities embrace digital technologies to reach an even wider audience, and the company is at the forefront of artist development – inspiring musicians and audiences alike in a shared passion for ensemble music of quality, diversity, challenge and joy.

Since 1997, Musica Viva Australia (MVA) and Wesfarmers Arts have worked together to deliver high quality music programs to Perth communities far and wide. During this time Wesfarmers has demonstrated long term commitment to both the Musica Viva Perth Concert Series and increasing access to music education for disadvantaged WA students through the Musica Viva In Schools program. The long-term support of Wesfarmers Arts has allowed Musica Viva to reach over 800,000 people over this twenty-year partnership, with growth in audiences at concerts and student participation in Musica Viva In Schools activities.

Visit the Musica Viva Australia website