WARNING - Email Scam Alert
Do not open any email you receive from info@wesfarmers.com.au
Wesfarmers became aware on Thursday 10 December 2020 that a number of fake emails have been sent purporting to be from a Wesfarmers email address, info@wesfarmers.com.au. These emails are not from us, they are malicious, and the attachment if opened, could cause harm to your devices and software.
The fake email sent claims to be in relation to a purchase order or invoice. We reiterate, it is fake and should not be opened, and should be deleted immediately.
info@wesfarmers.com.au is the genuine address for our inbound general inquiries, but it is never used for outbound emails from Wesfarmers, so please treat any email you receive from this email address as suspicious.
If you have any concerns you can create a new email and contact us by sending it to info@wesfarmers.com.au which, as stated above, remains operational for inbound emails to us.